July: reclaiming paradise

Despite the easing of lock down restrictions, far more attention is being given to gardens these days. According to The Sunday Times, enquires for landscape gardeners are up by 200%.

Be it a balcony, a terrace, a doorstep or a conventional garden, there is something primal about creating order, beauty, and a sheltered space in our immediate surroundings. It seems to satisfy some deep instinct in us, producing a sense of well-being: yes, despite the madness of the world, there is a place both inside and outside of us that is harmonious, peaceful and somewhere that we might even call “good”.

No wonder there are so many legends, myths, and stories about the garden.

So, as you ponder this not-very-new observation, there are a number of tasks to undertake this month which will hopefully nudge you towards paradise rather A&E with a bad back:

• As the weather becomes drier and hotter, the blades of your lawn mower can be raised. Avoid cutting your lawn too hard as it will not be doing it any favours if a drought sets in.

• Many tall herbaceous plants will be coming into their own now (Delphinium, Echinops, Eupatorium), and if they are not in large clumps, they will probably need staking. I prefer using sticks rather than canes as they are more informal and the side twigs act as a good support system.

Philadelphus and Weigela can be pruned after they have flowered. Likewise, deciduous magnolias can be shaped to create the desired effect.

• Pond weed is likely to start blooming when the water temperature rises. This can be more pronounced if rich soil with high levels of nutrients is leeching nitrogen into the water. A bale of straw will help neutralize this but there is no substitute for carefully raking out pond weed and planting suitable pond plants in extremely poor soil.

• Do not be afraid to experiment by running water from your downpipes into your pond: fix a temporary system that can be adjusted or removed in the winter months. Plastic, flexible, transparent “piping” can be bought from builders’ merchants and fixed using strong tape.

• As above, do not be afraid to experiment with harvesting rainwater for the traditionally dry months of July and August. Plants that have been put in over the past year will need particular attention as they will have been used to the near perfect conditions of a nursery.

If you have the time, stand back and look at the shapes, colours and patterns that are emerging in your garden. Make a note of where these could be improved and worked on in the autumn and winter months to. You may not think you patch is worth trumpeting about, but if it does you good and gives you pleasure – then it is good!

June: bloomin' marvelous

It feels as if everything in the garden is coming to a crescendo this month. With the longest day of the year coming up, nature looks to be coming up to full stretch: even with the extended periods without rain, the borders are filling out and slowly showing their full glory.

The beauty of having borders that are brimming over with plants is that unwanted plants (weeds!) have a hard job getting a foot hold. Spreading Geraniums are particularly good at creating attractive ground cover now whilst the Brunnera and Pulmonaria species do the job very well early in the season. They all make excellent green layers around the base of taller, showy plants such as Delphiniums.

Keeping an eye on the plants that are behaving like thugs is important too: be ruthless about taking species that are dominating others at their expense and don’t be afraid to trim shrubs that are getting too big for their spot. I have got a great second flush of colour from a Photinia after cutting it back hard. Getting away from my laptop and being a Hampshire garden designer to do practical work is a great boost - especially if there are knotty techincal problems to overcome!

So, to make the best of the weather, get fit and to get away from the ever-present “tinternet”, the following tasks can be undertaken:

• Cut the grass where the spring bulbs have been growing as the bulbs will have rejuvenated through their green stems.

• Cut back spring flowering shrubs: these include Deutzia, Syringa (lilac), Weigela and Kolkwitzia. Do the same with deciduous Magnolia if it needed.

• Evergreens such as Viburnum tinus and Choisya can also be cut and shaped once they have flowered.

• Roses can be deadheaded to encourage repeat flowering. Do this by cutting to just above the first leaf below the faded bloom.

• Clip box, privet and Loincera hedges remembering to make the sides slightly inward sloping to allow the sunlight to the base of the hedge and to reduce the chance of it splitting open in adverse conditions.

• Although we have rain recently, the reservoirs are at a low level. Be “water aware”, as the phrase goes. Using bath and shower water to look after pots and using a watering can rather than a hose will direct this precious resource in an effective way.

• Divide Hosta as they come into growth and fill out any gaps in the borders with bedding.

On that last point, I recently went to a garden centre and was saddened at how few people were there. The owner, however, was looking very chipper and relaxed: “I’m sorry your customers are not filling this place as they normally do”. He smiled and replied, “Oh don’t worry, we sold out of everything seasonal ages ago”. No wonder he was so cheery.

Good to see gardening going up the domestic agenda again!

May: green for "go"

In a recent video link conversation with friends, there was a common theme: the spring, the greenery, the birdsong and the jobs in the garden are all helping to keep our spirits up.

I am lucky enough to be surrounded by greenery and I count my blessings every day. The government guidelines that allow for folk to get out and take huge gulps of fresh air are fantastic, especially as it is considerably cleaner than it was a few months ago.

So, if you are lucky enough to be able to get out into the garden (and why not drop some flowers round to someone who can’t get out?), there is plenty to do as nature bursts into life:

  • Spring flowering shrubs can be pruned once the flowers are over. These shrubs include Choisya, Ribes and Chaenomoles.

  • Spirea ‘Arguta’ and Kerria can have one stem in three removed and the other stems shortened to a suitable side shoot.

  • Viburnum tinus, Senecio, Ligustrum and other similar evergreens can be trimmed this month.

  • Clematis montana is a vigorous climber that often needs to be kept in check: you can be pretty brutal with this climber.

  • Cut back Pyracantha to the desired size but remember that you may have to wait a couple of years for the berries to appear in winter if you cut them too hard.

  • Climbing and rambling roses will produce more flowers if you are able to tie the side shoots as close to the horizontal plane as possible: this restricts the flow of sap.

  • Lawns can be fed, and it is not too late to add fertiliser to plants, especially new or struggling ones that may need additional strength.

  • Try to stay on top of the weeds by using a hoe or laying matting and mulch.

  • Be careful not to over-water new plants in gardens with heavy, clayey soils: they will wilt and die as air cannot get to the roots.

  • Herbaceous plants can still be divided and re-allocated to different areas of the garden.

  • Cometh the Spring, cometh the slug”: I have my cheap cider and shallow glass yogurt pots at the ready to drown the critters. You may want to try eggshells, grit, copper bands or organic pellets. Avoid pellets that introduce poisons into the food chain.

As in every year, late hedge cutting will disturb any nesting wildlife. The birds around here are certainly more in evidence than previous years: now is a great time to allow them to establish themselves again.

It is, however, hard to write too lovingly about all of nature’s creatures when you have sown a lawn only for it to be decimated by pigeons(!). I have now devised a method of keeping them off by using netting, foil and a kite and no longer resort to charging around after pigeons like a madman. In truth, I quite miss the exercise, shouting at something and the chance to get away from my desk.

We all need a little project in these strangest of times: there is always the garage and shed to clear out…

April: natural goodness

In these strange and unsettling times, I have a simple suggestion. It will take about a minute and I would be very surprised if it didn’t change your perspective. Just a teeny bit anyway.

Find a leaf, a blossom or some cut flowers and then stop. Yes, that is it. Stop and stare. Try to stop and stare for about a minute. This will probably be harder than you think, but give it a go.

What patterns do you notice? What colours stand out more than others? What emotions are evoked? Try not to react to the monkeys in your head as they chatter away, telling you of your pressing schedule for the day.

The more one looks at the natural world, the more it becomes evident just how diverse, extraordinary and beautiful it really is. That is partly why I became a Garden Designer in Hampshire. The truth is, we rarely make enough time to experience this. Sir David Attenborough once said at a house of commons select committee: “We depend on our connection to nature for our very sanity”.

Write down your thoughts, and, as an astronaut advised on his return from outer space (a place not to be confused with the end of the queues at supermarkets), why not keep a diary of your observations and your responses over the next months? Just an idea.

If you are fortunate enough to be able to get out into a garden this month, there are a number of jobs to be getting on with: it is the ideal time to finish those tasks that you have been meaning to complete for years:

  • Lawn repairs: now the frosts are receding, seed can be bought online and sown on patches that have become worn. Remember to prepare the ground by scraping off any unwanted weeds or worn grass and giving the area a good rake over. Add a sprinkling of compost. Keep hungry birds away by hanging up old CD’s, tinfoil or playing Die Hard movies very loudly.

  • Pond plants: whilst ponds can be Heaven, they also be Hell to look after. Now is the time to get at the water lilies and marginal plants, to divide them into smaller clumps in order to them choking the life out of a pond.

  • Wildlife: if you are in the mood for clearing, cutting and composting, please be aware that this is the time of year when much of the local wildlife will be making their nesting homes. Avoid hedge cutting and be attentive when you are tidying up shelter spots. You can help hedgehogs move around from garden to garden by making small gaps at the base of fences.

  • Compost: add compost or well-rotted manure to borders and around the bases of trees and shrubs: this will help keep the moisture in, the weeds off and give a slow release of nutrients.

  • Plant autumn flowering bulbs and corms: why not invest in a bit of summer joy? Order and plant Gladiolus (Gladioli), Eucomis (pineapple flower), and Galtonia canadensis ( summer hyacinth). They will really add some dramatic colour and shape to your borders.

I have a long list of DIY jobs to finish over the coming months. As sure as eggs is eggs, unless I get my ‘inspiration time’, there is no way I am going to get any of them started, let alone finished.

I guess that means some more staring and dream time. Remind me; what was it that I was complaining about a few moments ago?

March: bursting!

Everything is swelling at the moment: rivers, streams, buds, bulbs and, of course, the dawn chorus. Nature is pregnant with life, so it is a good idea to get ahead of the game for when everything comes out.

Get your garden mojo working by repairing and cleaning your compost heaps and boxes. If you are active in the garden or the kitchen, you are bound to produce organic waste. Accelerate the decomposition of green matter by adding 50 mm layers of soil per 300mm and as many worms as you can find. The rewards will be plentiful, including the rich smell of humus: enough to encourage you out from in front of the telly I am sure!

Tasks this month include:

  • Prune and thin winter jasmine so it doesn’t become too leggy in the coming year.

  • Cut back Cornus (dogwood) shrubs to about 75 mm from the ground, unless it is a slow growing variety such as Midwinter fire. For these, cut hard half of the oldest stems.

  • Salix (willow) grown for colourful stems can now be cut back hard too.

  • Clumps of perennials that have become choked or oversized can be divided: use two forks back to back, pulling the handles together to pull the plant apart.

  • Add fertiliser or well-rotted compost to hungry plants such as roses and clematis as well as containers that have been depleted over the years, of nutrients.

  • Prune shrub roses by about one third and cut back climbing roses by about the same, tying in any loose ends.

  • Keep a close eye on borders where you know weeds will be a problem: try to stay on top of them (I know, I know, easier said than done), by regular hoeing. It knocks them back and makes even the worst perennial weeds more manageable.

  • The pest we love to detest - the slug, will begin to make its presence felt. Beer traps, a copper band on pots and grit on the soil will all help to deter them. Failing that, build a pond to encourage frogs!

  • When turning compost, be wary of damaging any overwintered wildlife.

  • Bundles of hollow stems placed in quiet corners of the garden, will encourage the laying of eggs by insects, including bees.

  • Any sort of nesting material left outside, such as wool or hair, is likely to be snapped up by industrious garden birds making their nests for the coming season.

With the extraordinarily large amount of rainfall we have experienced, it is easy to be downcast at the prospect of working in the garden. Pretty soon it will all change… as it always does.

I will put money on the fact that we will be complaining about a drought in 6 months’ time!

February: signs and wonders

With the appearance of some warmer weather and some sunny spells, the local wildlife seems to have been out in force as they look for food to see them through the rest of the winter. Kites, buzzards and sparrow hawks have all been circling, swooping and sweeping the fields nearby in search of prey.

The dawn chorus has been more vigorous and the sight of green shoots poking through the grass are all signs of things to come. Which is all good as I, for one, need plenty of encouragement to get out there with the garden tools on the grey days. It is all very well working as a Romsey Garden Designer, but nothing beats getting out there.

Once underway, the tasks ahead are highly satisfying:

  • Wisteria can be pruned back to two or three buds and the older, woody growth can be cut to reduce the size of the plant

  • In milder areas, or when the warmer weather starts appearing, most hardy shrubs with hollow stems, such as Buddleja davidii and Perovskia can be pruned this month.

  • Whilst the tawny coloured stems of ornamental grasses such as Miscanthus and Calamagrostis are a joy to behold in the winter months, especially in the winter sunlight, early spring is the time to cut them back to ground level. Wait until new growth can be seen before applying the chop.

  • Clean up bamboo where stems have died back or collapsed over winter.

  • Trim heathers after they have flowered in order to keep them compact and vigorous.

  • Divide snowdrops to distribute them over a wider area.

  • Cut back shrub roses by about one third, pruning to just above an outward pointing bud, trying to create an open, “bowl” shape to the rose. Cut off any suckers emerging from the root stock.

  • Bird life will be looking to nest in spring so ensure all hedge trimming and renovation is completed by the end of the month.

  • Nesting boxes will be sought out by birds but try to either build them or buy them from a sustainable source.

    Don’t miss out on the late winter scents. Cut yourself a sprig or two of Sarcoccocca, Mahonia and Viburnum fragrans or buy a Hyacinth to grow on an indoor shelf.

    Oh, the sweet smells of good things to come!

January: New Year Revolutions

I am haunted by an image: every time I put rubbish in the wrong bin or leave a light on, Greta Thunberg is standing there with a furrowed expression, saying: “If you let us down, we will not forgive you. We are watching you!”.

Righto Greta - I will do my best, I promise. Long Live the Revolution!

Actually, there is quite a lot we can do (other than cycling, rather than driving to the gym). Cutting up your Christmas tree and shredding it for mulch, buying plants that encourage bees and other insect life and putting out suitable bird feeders are all small but good steps. Why not plan to cut down on senseless mowing where the grass can happily grow longer and provide habitats of a range of wildlife? It all adds up.

When it is not frosty, it is a good month for undertaking repairs to your lawn, as well as other simple tasks:

  • Brush and spread worm casts that appear on the lawn.

  • Cut new edges to the lawn where needed: the soil will be damp and therefore easier to slice.

  • Keep your lawn as free from old leaves and debris as possible: these can inhibit light and cause mould.

  • Mole activity is most obvious in January and February due to mating and nest making. Without wishing to spoil their fun, remove the earth mounds and sow grass seed in spring.

  • Spike areas of the lawn that are prone to water logging using a fork

  • Be careful not to tread on areas where bulb shoots are emerging.

  • Check tree ties and stakes. The cold winter winds can knock newly established plants all over the place. Give plants added protection if necessary.

  • Tidy up any unruly plants, especially climbers, that may have been dislodged in high winds.

  • Make the most of the lack of vegetation on most plants to get into shrubberies to remove brambles and self-seeded saplings.

It is good to know that the days are now getting longer, and the temperature will slowly be rising: rather mysteriously, plants are now beginning to grow.

2020? Bring it on! What is there to worry about with a friend like Greta?

December: shine a light?

So, this shopping Black Friday turned out to be sunny celebration Friday: three cheers!

I have to be honest: I secretly celebrated by merrily sniffing my freshly dug leeks and kicking some gloriously coloured leaves into the air. I also reflected on the admirable initiative some friends of mine are embarking on: they are making their own Christmas decorations by using solely natural materials. Evergreen leaves, colourful stems, berries and fir cones are all being used to great effect.

If you ever get tired of dragging last century’s decorations out of the attic, there is very likely to be a course near you at a garden centre or a farm shop. It will initiate you into this very wholesome and satisfying world. If you need a further incentive, they usually serve mulled wine too.

December can be a very mild month but as the shortest day of the year approaches and the calendar fills up, so enthusiasm for anything strenuous in the garden can dip. However, getting the essential tasks done can be time well spent:

  • Make sure outdoor taps are insulated against the frost, either by wrapping them in that pesky bubble wrap we get with our parcels, or by draining them and turning off their water supply

  • Prune acers, birches and vines now as they are less likely to “bleed” sap at this time of year

  • Secure plants that may get blown around by the wind, especially climbers and newly planted trees

  • Deciduous hedges such as beech and hornbeam can be renovated now. If drastic reduction is needed, then this task is best done over several winters

  • Keep raking the leaves off the lawn as grass that does not get oxygen and light will soon become mouldy and start to deteriorate

  • In order to improve drainage, use a fork to spike areas of the lawn that usually get flooded

  • Hellebores that have very small flowers can be greatly improved by cutting off the leaves that obscure the flowers

  • Prune open grown apples: refer to books or the net for more advice on this as the extent of pruning depends on the age and type of plant

  • If you ever wondered why you hadn’t thrown away those old footballs, now is the time to remind you that they can be used in ponds to prevent total coverage by ice. This helps the fish and wildlife by maintaining more even oxygen levels in the water

  • Try to keep off the lawns in frost as footprints will leave their mark

If you are wondering about a Christmas present, then maybe consider one of the many “green” options some of which includes sponsoring sustainable agricultural projects in developing countries. I have to say, I find them utterly inspiring and a very bright light in a rather murky season!

November: worm friendly

Last Sunday I had a close encounter with worms.

As a child, I was fascinated by them: I used to watch them wriggle uncomfortably on my palm whilst I plotted surprises to inflict on my classmates. The song, ”Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I’m going down the garden path to eat worms…”, still drifts through my head when I see boys sulking. Oh happy days!

What I didn’t appreciate then was that they are really good news and I must now confess to dispensing contradictory advice on this matter. On the one hand I recommended raising a compost heap off the ground to discourage vermin. On the other hand, I recently advised all you keen gardeners that having the base on the soil will accelerate the decomposition process. And boy - it really does too!

Now, I know in the scheme of things such as world cup rugby finals, this is a small matter, but when I tipped my compost out to let predators finish off the woodlice that had infested my compost bin, I was amazed at the results. I would say that the worms that had come up from the soil had accelerated the composting process by about tenfold. I didn’t have to go down the garden path to eat worms: they were coming up to meet me.

So, unless you have a serious local vermin problem, I would go for the “compost-on-the-soil” option. If you don’t add any cooked foods or proteins to the heap, you will reduce the chances of a nasty, furry surprise. Alternatively, you can go to your garden centre and pay a fortune for a bag of compost that has hundreds of road miles. Readers - no pressure there at all.

• If you want to plan some spring cheer, there is still time to plant out tulip bulbs, including the autumn flowering variety.

• Raking leaves can seem to be an endless task, but it is worth it. Firstly, it allows the lawn to breathe and reduces the chance of mould developing in your lawn. Secondly, the leaves are good news in a compost heap when a layer of soil is added every 30 cm or so.

• Burning leaves is another way of processing them: the ash is good for the soil as it is high on potassium - the element that encourages fruit and flowers. Add any diseased plant material to the fire too including rose leaves that have black spot.

• Put rabbit guards on new trees to stop them gnawing at the bark if food is scarce in a harsh winter. Check tree ties too: loosen one that are too tight as this restriction can inhibit the flow of sap and therefore nutrients, around the tree.

• Prune shrub and standard roses by about a third in order that the wind does not move them around and damage the root system.

• Lift pots and containers off the ground by a few centimeters and give them “feet” of tiles or stone to avoid water logging. Pots that are fragile should have their winter wrap to prevent frost damage: bubble wrap is effective.

• Mary Poppins fans may agree that now is the time to feed the birds. (Tuppence a bag may, however, be asking for too much.)

Finally, don’t think the coming autumn and winter is all gloom: when I worked as a gardener, I was amazed at how much solar light there was in the winter months.

Don’t take my word for it - go out there and enjoy the shapes, the shades and the shadows.

October: chopping and changing

With autumn here, I can’t wait to get out into the garden to start moving plants around. All year long I have looked at my patch and visited the gardens I have put together, and thought: “Hmmm: that plants needs moving, that plant needs dividing, that plant needs pruning!”. It is a never ending creative task and maybe that is why it is so appealing.

Now is the time to get your bulbs in too: it is still relatively mild, so getting daffodils, snowdrops, aconites and crocus into the ground will pay dividends next year. It doesn’t feel like a hardship either: with the crisp mornings and a bite in the air, seeing the changing colours is a joy. There is immense satisfaction to be gained from working as a Romsey Garden Designer but there seems to be never ending procession of hues to enjoy that vary always vary from year to year.

When you are not admiring the trees and gulping in the fresh air, jobs to do this month include:

  • Pruning roses to prevent damage during the windy, winter months. As a rough rule of thumb, prune shrub and bush roses back by about a third. Climbers and ramblers can be thinned by about a third too.

  • Get your compost area primed and ready for the autumn: make sure you have a waterproof cover as this will help retain the heat. Old carpet or sheets are ideal. If you can have your compost heap on soil rather than a hard surface, you will give access to those all-important worms.

  • Harvest your fruit, but bear in mind that if you don’t remove all the protecting netting, you will allow birds to feed off those pesky pests.

  • Cut back the perennials that have died down, but again, think about leaving plants that have seeds for the winter birdlife.

  • This is the best time of year for lawn repairs as the soil is still warm and the amount of rainfall is increasing. For the best results, undertake the three main jobs of scarifying, aerating and applying topsoil.

  • Pots and containers can easily become waterlogged in winter. By taking them off their saucers and by giving them “feet” to keep them off the ground, you will ensure good drainage.

Last week I saw a four year old carefully collecting the brightest coloured leaves that had fallen on a path: she was not the least bit bothered as to how long it would take. Her parents eventually starting joining in.

Now that is what I call adult learning.